About Us

Perched on a hillock, opposite to Damphu town, at an equivalent height is a school surrounded by lush greeneries and terraces; speck of citrus trees strewn helter skelter. After a tiresome uphill journey of (roughly) an hour, you reach a tri-junction to be welcomed by the sign board: Tsirangtoe Lower Secondary School, Tsirang Bhutan, established 1982.

The school is located in Tsirangtoe Gewog. It is at an altitude of 1400 m above the sea level. The name Tsirangtoe said to have been concocted from the word, “Tsirab” meaning “the place of Perfect Accountant.” To the commoners in the locality, the place is called as “Tsirang Dangra” meaning ‘hill’. Later, in 2003 the place or school was renamed as Tsirangtoe (translated in Dzongkha).

The School was supposed to have been established in 1982 under the headship of Mr. Nima Gyeltshen as Community Primary School and remained closed for a year in 1991 due to some political uprising in the southern part of the country. In 1998 it was upgraded to Primary School, followed by further up-gradation of school to Lower Secondary School in 2005, during the tenure of Mr. Neten Tshering.

Today, the school has become a hub of educational activities with an enrollment of not less than four hundred students in a year including those from the Chubelsa (Daunthrey) ECR. It caters to the need of students from three neighboring Gewogs like Phuentenchu, Sergithang and Shemjong.

Soon, the school will be upgraded to Central School.  

Principals of the School in chronological order:

Name of the Head
Mr. Nima Gyeltshen
Mr. S.B Biswa
Mr. B.M Darjee
Mr. Karma Samphel
1992- 1993
Mr. Ngyeldrup Dorji
Mr. Sonam Phuntsho
1996- 2001
Mr. Neten Tshering
Mr. Gyeltshen Drukpa
Mr. Yeshi Dorji
2011- 2012
Mr. Yeshi Jamtsho
Mr. Yeshi
2016 – Till Date