Thursday, September 21, 2017

Tsirangtoe LSS observed National Disaster Mock Drill Day

In line with the circular from Department of Disaster dated 5th September 2017, Tsirangtoe Lower Secondary School observed the National Disaster Mock Drill on 21st September. The purpose of the mock drill was highlighted by the school disaster focal person to make students, staff and parents understand the necessity of the disaster preparedness activities in the educational institutions where hundreds and thousands of children flock to receive education. Furthermore, such programme must also act as a springboard to educating the village communities on the indispensable need for being physically and mentally prepared to respond to any kind of natural disaster that not only destroy the properties but the reason for loss of many precious lives.

The warm afternoon air saw the blending of the musical siren that penetratingly pierced through the raucous classroom environment where hundreds of innocent children awaited the siren to drop, cover and hold as their instant reaction to the occurrence of earthquake. Briefly, the entire classrooms went quiet and calm. Every child sought shelter from the seemingly protective shield of the furniture. With the siren for evacuation, every child in the class walked out towards the evacuation areas in a long queue with books and bags on their heads. The assemblage of the children was administered by the incident commanders (Upper block and lower block) taking attendance of each class and section to calculate the injured children groaning of excruciating pains who were checked out by the search and rescue members and handed over to the first aid team fully equipped with  necessary tools and treatments.

Meantime, the fire team took charge of monitoring the fire mishaps in the structures and the site security members demarcating the evacuation areas from the trespassing of the parents whose distractions would retard the smooth necessary service deliveries of the different response groups. The first aid team referred five of the 20 injured students to the nearby health centre for further medical support for the victims who suffered serious injuries. Fortunately, with timely and efficient response activities, we could save the precious lives of every individual in the school campus. The structures withstood firm and resilient without any damage. Everything happened straight and strong- the only disaster mitigation measure in place that assures everyone of undeviating safety.

In the end, the feedback session applauded everyone of the desired disaster response standards put up to make the National Disaster Mock Drill a success.  If there is any effective disaster mitigation measure, it is only the PREPAREDNESS. Hence it is deemed so intrinsic to remain alert and responsive to any unforeseen natural calamities that are beyond the control of mankind.        Reported from School Disaster Club