The Lama or the abbot
of Dechen Lhendrup Lhakhang (A shrine
built to store the relics of Sangsung
Gyelpo or Tsirang Dzongpoen), the
Chief Guest of the day sanctified the entire compound with his little dharma
chakra. In his insightful speech, he mentioned that there is nobody more benevolent
to us than the Dharma Kings (Referring to the Wangchuck Dynasty) in this Samsara.
The Lama insisted on each and
everyone to recite the zhabten (prayer
for stability of life) of our Kings in return for their selfless deeds to
ensure wellbeing of us, the Bhutanese.
As the butter lamp of thousand prayers dwindled its measure
and brightness into the heaven, the guests soaked themselves up with the visual-feast
presented by the Scouts and Nachungs of the school. The sky was filled with the
rhymes and rhythms, sounds and songs, and gentle music. Interlude of games like
Khuru intensified the ecstasy of the celebration.
Above all, on this auspicious day, the Lama has presided over an
oath of allegiance for the office bearers of the school. They pledged to serve
the school with their utmost dedication. This was, indeed, the formal
appointment of the office bearers of Tsirangtoe Lower Secondary School for the
academic year 2017.