Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Honouring the International Women’s Day, 2017

Women, in the early Victorian art and literature are portrayed as a silent victim, denied to right experiment, discover or to construct their own realities. Tennyson, in his most celebrated poem “The Lady of Shalott vividly depicts the position of women in the Victorian era.

During this long stretch of time, much has been done to balance the status of the gender on this planet. The champions of women's rights activists toiled to eliminate prejudices and stereotypes on gender. However, some recent inspirational figures like Hillary Clinton believe that the right of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century.

Realizing the worth and significance of the day, Tsirangtoe Lower Secondary School joined the globe in observing “The International Women’s Day – 2017”. It was jointly coordinated by the School Tarayana club and the School Guidance and Counseling Unit.  A student member of the coordinating club introduced the campaign theme of the International Women’s Day, 2017 - “Be bold to change”, in the morning assembly.

The speaker highlighted that, with the pride of technological advancement and globalization that fetched unprecedented opportunities in the world of work, there is also an insufferable darker side of it. She said that there is a growing informality of labour, income inequality and humanitarian crises, which are miserably felt heavier by the women gender all over the world.

To instill the sense of respect for girls and women gender, girls were let off from all the day-to-day works in the school on the day. Boys captains served meals for the girls, and senior boys washed plates and mugs for the girls. On the day, the status of girl gender in the school was lifted at par to that of female Bodhisattva in Mahayana, Tara or Arya Tara, also known as Jetsun Dolma. Everyone in the school pledged to consider girls and women as a Goddess henceforth.

The International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1911. The idea of an International Women's Day was inspired by America's National Women's Day, February 28, 1909, declared by the Socialist Party of America.
Happy International Women’s Day!